Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jan 2, 2016
It is the 2nd day of my 2016, so i'll write about my past year. A lot has happened but there is still a lot that I want to accomplish.
in the past year i traveled to Canada, and it was the best experience of my life. I tried new foods, saw an awesome blacklight show with people with disabilities, i went to tons of amazing art museums and realized i really love new art-whatever that c word is. I ate fray and shopped a lot-especially at lush. I went on the top of the 2nd tallest building in the world and layed on a clear space looking to the sky. I saw Kinky Boots. I went to a bunch of regular museums, and used a lot of canadian money which is so pretty!! I went to Bush Gardens which was pretty fun! I saw cool graffiti and took fun pics. I went to Niagra falls and talked to this cool Canadian girl named Fox. I went in Notre Dame and it was completely breathtaking! I went on the subway and talked about queen, queen station. I went to a pride parade which was as gay as i wanted it to be. I went to a lot of high buildings and took pics there too! I learned about a lady who crossed Niagra in a barrel with her cats! It was just such a good time from eating Poutine to taking long baths and I wouldn't replace it for anything :))

I got closer to people and made friends and had falling outs and that's honestly okay but i want to make a lot of friends this year and have a nice group if possible!

I got a girlfriend who i love more than anything in the world! I had my first kiss with her and i've just done so much with her and she makes me more happy than anything so that's :)))))

I found that i'm good at writing and reading and that's enough. i want to pursue ti quando but i'm okay with my talents for now.

I'm getting good at makeup so i'm less ugly and i hope i can improve even more this year.

I struggled with anorexia and it's been hard but i've gotten to a point where I like my body and i can control my weight without starving myself which is ideal.

My skin in 2015 was not great and i hope i can get it under control so i'll feel more comfy w/out makeup

My grades really improved in 2015 and i hope they continue to get better and i want to take the ACT multiple times this year.

I struggled with being clingy and jealous in 2015 so i really want to be a more ideal person this year and chill out

Speaking of which, I want too control my anxiety because it really hurts my quality of life

My style has evolved a lot in 2015 and i hope it only continues to get better because i love fashion!

I've started to care less about what people think about me which i appreciate

I got a great computer for christmas, which just makes me feel blessed. i have a macbook and a girlfriend. nice!

In 2015 I got really into politics which i think everyone should-because it's important to know what's going on in the world

I also became an intersectional feminist, which i'm sure i'll talk about later because it's very important to me.

I've become very unselfish in some ways and i love buying my friends gifts

I have gotten really into tv shows especially Jessica Jones and the 100 and i love talking about them

I have become more comfortable with physical touch, probably because my gf touches me a lot so i'm opening up to other people doing it

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